For Teachers  

Political Science

Congress Simulation
Students debate and attempt to pass bills in this fun and challenging activity designed to simulate the U.S. House and Senate
(Grades 8-12)

Order in the Court
Students read six Supreme Court summaries.  How do they think the court voted?
(Grades 9-College)

Rock the Vote
A nice activity adapted from C-Span.  Students become presidential campaign strategists and must win electoral votes based on a series of scenarios.
(Grades 8-12)

Constitutional Values Activity
Students identify their values on a Likert Scale of 1-10.  Students then debate the topics in a variety of mixed settings.Congress Simulation
Students debate and attempt to pass bills in this fun and challenging activity designed to simulate the U.S. House and Senate
(Grades 8-12)

Electoral Votes Activity
Students use an electoral map of the United States to simulate various election day scenarios



US History World History Political Science Race & Racism